Saturday, July 3, 2010

How To Donate

There are 2 ways to donate:

1. Visit Nick's Pelotonia fundraising page HERE and click on the "Donate to my ride" button.

If you choose this option, please make sure an identifying name is listed in the "donor recognition" slot. this can be your actual name or a screen name (like mine is Shweetnettie13). This is so I can confirm your donation has been made, and to ensure that no one claims a donation by saying they are someone they are not.

2. Paypal a donation to my paypal at: Please select "this money is being sent as a gift" if using this option to prevent paypal fees.

Once you've made a donation, PLEASE EMAIL ME. This will help me track donations that are coming from this site. In your email, include the shipping address you' like your hat(s) shipped to.

That's it. Plain and Simple. How much, you ask?

Each hat is $10. That's it. No shipping fees (I'm sorry, but right now I can only ship for free within the US. Please see below for shipping information if you are outside of the US).***

That means that if you see a hat you like, it's yours for $10. And you get the satisfaction of knowing that 100% of that $10 you just donated is going to cancer research.

Yes, folks, some things in life really are this easy.

***If you are outside of the US and would like a hat/would like to donate, please send your donation + $3.00 for shipping and donate THROUGH THE PAYPAL OPTION. This way I can separate your $10 to go toward pelotonia from the $3 that will go toward your shipping.

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